EU-SENSE (European Sensor System for CBRN Applications) is a research and innovation project with time duration of 36 months. The EU-SENSE consortium consolidates 9 organizations and puts effort in increasing the real capabilities of European CBRN practitioners. The key aspect of the EU-SENSE project is the response to actual needs of European practitioners and technological gaps identified by the ENCIRCLE project, which remains in close collaboration with the EU-SENSE project. The crucial innovation of the EU-SENSE project is the development of a novel network of chemical sensors consisting of heterogeneous sensor nodes supported with cutting-edge machine-learning and dispersion modelling.
More information can be found here:


CHIMERA (Comprehensive Hazard Identification, and Monitoring systEm for uRban Areas) is a research and innovation project with a time duration of 36 months. The CHIMERA consortium consolidates 12 organizations and puts effort in increasing the real capabilities of European CBRN practitioners. The key aspect of the CHIMERA project is the response to actual needs of European practitioners and its high TRL value, allowing for the system’s route to market. The final system will be equipped with a heterogeneous CBRN data collection layer, improved data processing (including data fusion of heterogeneous sensor signals), and strengthened situational awareness for first responders.
More information can be found here:


ENCIRCLE has five key objectives aimed at promoting innovation and business development to fill market gaps in the project timeframe:

  • Create an open and neutral EU CBRN cluster;
  • Provide a sustainable and flexible vision and roadmap for the development of the European CBRN market and innovations;
  • Provide integration with platforms (systems, tools, services, products) by proposing standardized interfaces and future EU standards to integrate CBRN technologies and innovations developed from the Part b projects of the H2020-SEC-05-DRS CBRN Cluster call;
  • Support CBRN safety, security and defence commercial and market services;
  • Improve and facilitate European CBRN dissemination and exploitation.

The project is conducted by a consortium of specialized industries, trade associations and research organisations with flexible and lean procedures under the advice of the EC Community of Users. It will rely on two large interactive communities: practitioners and customers, and industrial and technological providers: the latter including many SMEs. To optimize the needs and gaps assessment, as well as innovation development, acceptance and success, ENCIRCLE will establish formal links with other consortia such as future Part b projects.

The main expected impact is the enhancement of the EU CBRN industry’s competitiveness. This will allow it to enlarge its market share while increasing the benefits of the EU research and innovation to improve CBRN preparedness, response, resilience and recovery efficiency.


C-BORD – effective Container inspection at BORDer control points (
COSMIC – CBRNE Detection in Containers (
Coordinator: Lingacom Ltd – Israel
eNOTICE – European Network of CBRN Training Centres
Coordinator: Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium
ENTRAP – Enhanced Neutralisation of explosive Threats Reaching Across the Plot
Coordinator: Totalforsvarets Forskningsinstitut (FOI), Sweden (
EuroBioTox – European programme for the establishment of validated procedures for the detection and identification of biological toxin
Coordinator: Robert Koch Institut, Germany (
FIRE-IN – Fire and Rescue Innovation Network
Coordinator: Association Pegase, France (
IN-PREP – An INtegrated next generation PREParedness programme for improving effective inter-organisational response capacity in complex environments of disasters and causes of crises
Coordinator: Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (
ROCSAFE – Remotely Operated CBRNe Scene Assessment Forensic Examination
Coordinator: National University of Ireland (
TOXI-triage – Tools for detection, traceability, triage and individual monitoring of victims
Coordinator: Loughborough University, United Kingdom (